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[h3]Using a SCART switch,[/h3] If the SCART daisy-chain system does not work for you you may want to try using a SCART switch, such as this one: [a][/a] This model is available in many shops, I've even seen it in our local Tesco's With this you connect each device with a single scart cable to the switch. Deciding which device you are viewing or recording is determined by push buttons on the front of the SCART switch. This introduces a whole new realm of possiblilites for failing to set the right buttons and finding out afterwards that you recorded nothing or the wrong channel. Always check by setting the TV to see the output of the relevant recorder while setting up timed recording sessions. The aerial circuits are still daisy chained as before. With such a switch you get an extra facility, you can be copying from one video device to another, e.g. VCR tape to DVD while watching a live program from the digital receiver, or recording a live program from the receiver while watching a DVD or tape. The round sockets on the scart switch can be used to connect the Video devices to your hi-fi audio amplifiers so that you can get high quality sound with your viewing. But the same facility can often be achieved by connecting to audio outputs of the VCR or DVD recorder too [imgl]/images/scart/basic9.gif[/imgl] [br][/br] Revised on 15 Aug 2006
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