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For a good site that leads to many newspapers and which picks out interesting stories go to [b]Arts & Letters Daily[/b] [a][/a] [h2]What they say about their site[/h2] [quote] At this stage in its evolution the Web resembles a typical Australian goldfield, with vast mountains of low-grade ore. Mining in both cases can be arduous. On the Internet it means sifting through endless streams of verbose, under-edited, often self-indulgent prose, frequently accompanied by tedious graphics that negate the "instant information" advantage of the Web. Precious nuggets of real content are there to be found, however, and it's the mission of Arts & Letters Daily to extract them for our readers. As the Web has continued to grow, so must we. In November 1999 we agreed to be acquired by University Business, LLC (subsequently renamed Academic Partners, LLC), which publishes University Business and Lingua Franca magazines. This new partnership will provide the resources necessary to continue mining the ever expanding Web. With more sifters in our crew and valuable technical support, we will continue to pan and select from among the most intellectually stimulating sites on the Internet, updating daily, and making the best of the Web available at a click. Bookmark this page, let your colleagues and friends in listservs and egroups know about Arts & Letters Daily - and Welcome! Denis Dutton Editor
. . Revised on 1 Sep 2001
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